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The Temporary Palaces Part 1


Granular Spectrum
GRNSPT017 | 2023-07-20  
Dadaism was an avant-garde artistic and cultural movement that emerged in the 1910s as a radical response to conventional logic and reason. Dada artists sought to break with established norms and challenge social and artistic conventions. A concept that aligns perfectly with the Dada spirit is that of "temporary palaces."

Temporary palaces as a Dadaist artistic concept are ephemeral and transgressive structures that challenge the idea of permanence and question established structures. They are built with unconventional materials, such as found objects, waste or elements of everyday life, which are combined in a chaotic and surprising way. These palaces explore the idea of the absurd, the rupture and the liberation of the established norms.

In the musical context, the Dadaist temporary palaces offer a space for sound experimentation and the creation of provocative and challenging music. Dada music is often characterized by its dissonant character, the use of unusual sounds, and the breaking of traditional musical conventions. Dada's temporary palaces provide an environment conducive to exploring new forms of musical composition, improvisation, and performance.

These Dadaist temporary palaces are not only limited to architecture, but also become stages for performances and multi-sensory experiences. Artists can combine music, dance, theatre, poetry and visual elements in a chaotic and surprising environment. The interplay between the architectural space, found objects, and live performances creates a unique and haunting experience for viewers.

In the contemporary context, temporary palaces as a Dadaist artistic and musical concept remain relevant. They continue to challenge convention and provide a space for creative expression and social criticism. These ephemeral palaces can be found in art galleries, performance spaces, art festivals, and other settings where experimentation and transgression are valued.

In summary, temporary palaces as a contemporary Dada, musical and artistic concept represent a radical and transgressive form of expression. They challenge established norms, question social and artistic conventions, and provide a space for experimentation and creativity. These ephemeral palaces fuse architecture, music and other art forms in a surprising and chaotic environment, creating a unique experience for viewers. They are a manifestation of rebellion, absurdity and creative liberation that is still valid today.
releases July 20, 2023

Produced, mixed and conceptualized by Darkduction.

Mastered By Andres Zuluaga

Artwork & Design by Staticflood

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