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KIN020 | 2023-12-15  
The mysterious producer Aiwaska emerges once again, this time in collaboration with Thomas Gandey, to deliver an resonant single 'Beautiful People' on Kinetika Music.

'Beautiful People' is a musical testament to the intrinsic beauty inherent in humanity. Irrespective of race, gender or nationality, the track reverberates with a poignant message of equality and love, dedicated to every individual on the planet. It is a celebration of the unity that binds us all together as one global community.

The single encapsulates a fusion of emotive melodies, rich harmonies, and infectious rhythms, weaving a sonic tapestry that evokes both introspection and euphoria. Aiwaska's penchant for crafting otherworldly soundscapes merges seamlessly with Thomas Gandey's evocative vocals, resulting in a composition that is as uplifting as it is soul-stirring.

Adding further dimension to this musical journey, the release features two amazing remixes. Grigore and Philipp Straub feat. Outcome, infuse their distinctive styles into the mix, transforming 'Beautiful People' into dancefloor anthems that promise to enthrall listeners with their energy and innovation.

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