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MOON182 | 2024-03-29  
The dynamic duo Maria Die Ruhe and Taylo have teamed up with the renowned label Moonbootique and celebrated producer duo Moonbootica to present a new electronic hit. The track "Feeling Free" takes listeners on a melodious journey of freedom inspired by nature and the feeling of unboundedness.

"Feeling Free" is more than just a song—it's an anthem to freedom, echoing in the vastness of the skies, the flight of birds, and the roar of the sea. Maria Die Ruhe and Taylo bring their unique creative visions together in this piece, crafting a musical landscape that touches the senses and uplifts the soul.

The track is further enhanced by an exclusive remix by Moonbootica, capturing electronic energy and blending it with the organic beauty of nature. The remix encapsulates the essence of the song, bringing it to the dance floor where it unfolds in an explosion of beats and emotions.

Maria Die Ruhe expressed excitement about the collaboration: "Working with Taylo and Moonbootica on this project has been an incredible experience. Together, we were able to create an atmosphere of freedom that permeates the entire track."

"Feeling Free" is now available on all major music platforms. Immerse yourself in the musical world of Maria Die Ruhe and Taylo, accompanied by the unique sounds of Moonbootica. Experience freedom encapsulated in electronic music that transcends the boundaries of imagination.
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